The Earth Journalism Grants
Fund is available to support the creation, growth, and capacity of journalism
organizations focused on reporting the human dimensions of climate
Those most vulnerable
to climate impacts —often women, youth, and indigenous communities -- typically
have the least influence on how respond to climate risks. Despite bearing
the least responsibility for the conditions accelerating climate change, vulnerable
and under-represented populations are often the people with the most at stake.
This grant opportunity represents a challenge to journalists throughout the world to
facilitate a responsive information ecosystem that more accurately and
holistically reflects environmental challenges facing people across the planet.
The Earth Journalism Grants Fund is focused on capacity and network
building with flexible spending guidelines that enable local networks to invest in strategic opportunities, build the capacities
of their members, and respond to communities’ needs.
Projects funded by
this grant should have a strong thematic focus on climate change. Particular
attention should be given to how climate change affects vulnerable and
marginalized communities.
While content
production is an important aspect of any project, applications without some
form of network- or capacity-building component will not be considered.
But if special opportunities arise, we are open to supporting fellowships and
travel grants that support specific story ideas or coverage of key events, so
long as these projects facilitate the creation of networks and/or are part of a
training process.
Examples of previous grantee project:
Pakistan -- Pakistan's
National Council of Environmental Journalists (NCEJ) focused
their project on strengthening their network via the recruitment of new membership through
training. NCEJ held 10 training
workshops (classroom and field training) on the most crucial environmental
issues – particularly those pertaining to water threats – facing
Pakistan. This series of trainings resulted in over 70 published stories
and initiated a redesign of the NCEJ's official website, transforming it into
an information hub for environmental journalists and a repository for stories
produced as the result of the trainings.
In Tunisia, the
Tunisian Environmental Reporting Network
(TERN) was created through multiple activities, including training workshops,
sponsoring members of the network to report from international environmental
conferences, and working partnerships with fellow environmental journalists in
other countries on the Mediterranean. To house the stories written by network
members, this project set up an environmental news section of NAWAAT, an independent
collective blog that aggregates media from a variety of sources to provide a
forum for citizen journalists
The Earth Journalism
Grants fund is designed to support the establishment of environmental
journalism networks in countries where they don't exist, and build their
capacity where they do. Applicants should note their affiliations with existing
media organizations or provide detailed plans about how this project would
facilitate the creation of a new organization.
As Internews is
strictly a media development organization, please avoid any applications rooted
in advocacy or political campaigning.
We are predominantly
focused on the developing world, where the need is often the greatest, but the
pool of available resources is limited. However, we are open to proposals from
anywhere, and in this case we would be interested in projects that focus reporting on the climate impacts on women, youth and indigenous peoples in
countries that will play a leading role in international climate negotiations.
This grant fund
contains $50,000 USD and ideally
will be allocated to 5 projects. While the average for each grant is
approximately $10,000 USD, we can
provide funding over the average for projects that demonstrates a critical
The deadline for
applications is May
15, 2015.
Grantees are expected to give their full cooperation in
monitoring and evaluating the results of the projects, and are encouraged to
submit their own monitoring and evaluation plan along with their application.
The final monitoring and evaluation plan will be agreed upon by EJN and each
individual grantee.
Applications should include a budget using this form
The projects are generally expected to take place this year, and
we are particularly looking to see a lot of activity carried out prior to the
COP21 Climate Summit held in early December, 2015. Final reports for accepted projects must be
filed no later than Feb 10, 2016
Projects that can offer or raise co-financing to complement
EJN’s support will be favorably viewed.
New EJN Members should
register for an account before Applying.